Sub-Gaussian distributions are a large class of distributions used in a wide variety of applications. Intuitively, they behave “like or better than” Gaussian distributions, meaning their tails decay at the same rate or faster than Gaussian tails. Consequently, sub-Gaussian random variables are nice to work with.

Some facts about this class:

  • Sub-Gaussian distributions are a nonparametric class. There is no common dominating measure: it contains both discrete and continuous random variables.
  • If told is -sub-Gaussian (see below), can’t estimate from data. (Similar to how one can’t estimate the bounds for a bounded random variable).
  • There is no test-martingale for this class
  • They specify an e-value.

Scalar case

There are several equivalent ways to define them. The easiest way is to place a specific bound on the MGF. A real-valued random variable with mean is -sub-Gaussian if, for all ,

Equivalent definitions are:

An e-value for -sub-Gaussian distributions is which follows immediately from the definition above. The product of such e-values naturally gives a nonnegative supermartingale which gives rise to confidence sequences for sub-Gaussian random variables.

Multivariate case

If is a random vector, we say it is -sub-Gaussian for some PSD if

for all . In the isotropic case (see isotropic distributions), we have for some , and the condition above becomes

which is perhaps the more common definition in the literature. But if we want to allow for anisotropy (see anisotropic distribution) then the first definition is preferred.

Note that this definition extends easily to infinite dimensional spaces as long as they are endowed with an inner product. Eg, in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, is interpreted as an operator , and we work with the dot product .
