The e-BH procedure is the equivalent of the BH procedure for FDR control but using e-values. The main benefit is this procedure allows for arbitrary dependence between the e-values, which is not the case for the BH procedure and p-values.

We are in a multiple testing setup with hypotheses, each of which has an associated e-value. The procedure rejects the hypotheses with largest e-values where

and .

This has , i.e., it has no dependence on , even without the PRDS assumption (this is an improvement over the BH procedure).

The proof is actually quite straightforward: We have by definition. Therefore,

for all . Those indices, are precisely the indices of the rejected hypothesis - the discoveries. That is, . Therefore, for all , the set of rejected hypotheses. So,

Since , we have .

Boosting e-values If other information is available, we can also boost the e-values. This might be info on the joint distribution, some structure of the problem, etc. But without such additional information, it is better to just use the non-boosted approach above.
