A confidence sequence can be thought of as a sequence of sequentially valid confidence intervals). Formally, is a -CS for a parameter if

That is, a CS is a time-uniform confidence interval. It avoids the known problem with confidence intervals that, if they are computed at different times, they risk contradicting themselves (eg an interval computed at time might not overlap with one at time . )

Like confidence intervals, confidence sequences have frequentist guarantees (frequentist statistics), not Bayesian ones. Whether there exist anytime-valid credible intervals (the Bayesian notion of confidence interval) is an interesting question.

Equivalent definitions are:

  • for any stopping time
  • for all random times . A random time could be a function of a stopping time, for instance (eg ).

These are not obviously equivalent definitions. They have to be proved. For instance, the same properties do not hold with expected values. See lemmas 2 and 3 here and the anytime-valid notes.

Confidence sequences are common tools in safe, anytime-valid inference (SAVI).

Many confidence sequences are construct from applying Ville’s inequality to supermartingales or test-martingales]. It is known how to construct non-trivial confidence sequences for a variety of problems. A few include:

There is also an extension of confidence sequences to the asymptotic regime: asymptotic confidence sequences.
