Some basic probabilistic inequalities. Used mostly under the hood to build more sophisticated concentration inequalities, but also useful in other scenarios.

Markov’s inequality

For a nonnegative random variable and parameter , Markov’s inequality states that

The proof is easy:

Markov’s inequality is tight in the sense that there are distributions for which the inequality holds with equality. But it is not very interesting in the sense that it doesn’t provide interesting concentration behavior. However, it’s a cornerstone in more sophisticated concentration techniques, which often rely on applying Markov’s inequality to the random variable

(See the Chernoff method below, which is precisely this strategy.)

Some notes and pointers:

Chebyshev’s inequality

Chebyshev’s inequality is simply Markov’s inequality applied to . For ,

Chebyshev’s inequality gives the first flavor of concentration. If are iid with mean , then Chebyshev gives

where . Making the RHS equal to gives with probability ,

The rate of concentration here is actually not too bad, it scales with which is what we expect in many scenarios. However, the dependence on is not great. We’d rather have , which is an exponential improvement over . The Chernoff method gives us this sort of dependence, so we turn to that next.

Note that the Chebyshev’s inequality is a specific instance of the method of moments for concentration.

Chernoff method

The Chernoff method applies Markov’s inequality to the nonnegative random variable , and then chooses to optimize the bound. More detail is given in Chernoff method (also called the Cramer-Chernoff method).