CLTs concern the convergence in distribution of (some statistic of) data. They are foundational in statistical inference because they show that, for large enough sample sizes, we can treat data from an unknown or complicated distribution as though it comes from a nicer, well-behaved distribution (eg, a Gaussian). Under mild conditions (asymptotic negligibility) the set of limiting distributions are precisely the infinitely divisible distributions.

The first CLT ever proved was for binomial distributions by de Moivre in 1738. He showed that if , then

Of course, this has been significantly generalized by other CLTs.

Qualitative CLTs

These are the “usual” CLTs—they state that some quantity converges in distribution to some limiting distribution. These are the results that are used in practice when constructing confidence intervals or doing hypothesis testing (eg the Wald test or the Wald interval are based on qualitative CLTs).


Or see Petrov’s CLT template for general conditions under which sequences of random variables will converge to various distributions.

Quantitative CLTs

Quantitative CLTs are often called Berry-Esseen bounds. They give explicit, non-asymptotic bounds on the deviation between distributions (eg between the sum of iid random variables and the normal).

They are usually stated in terms of the KS distance between the distributions, though other metrics (usually ideal metrics; see distributional distance) can be used.