Multi-group calibration (aka multicalibration) seeks to combine calibration with multi-group consistency. That is, in the mean case we’re looking for a model such that
and in the quantile case
Here we’re assuming that has a finite range.
Mean calibration
A common metric here is based on the average calibration error (see Calibration error), but modified for the group-consistency setting. Define
We can also define etc analogously. is -approximately multicalibrated if for all groups ,
Again, as in the case of multi-group consistency, we weight the metric by . Note that this definition of multicalibration is wrt a specific family of groups.
As discussed at a high level in uncertainty quantification:Modifying black-box functions and seen in marginal consistency and multi-group calibration, we can develop algorithms to fix black-box predictors to make them (approximately) multicalibrated.
Open question: Is there a one-shot version of the multicalibrate algorithm, like there is for multi-group consistency?