Unlike light-tailed settings (light-tailed, unbounded scalar concentration and bounded scalar concentration) the sample mean is not well-behaved in heavy-tailed settings. Since heavy-tailed distributions may not have finite MGFs, the Chernoff method is not applicable. Catoni gives an example demonstrating the bound achieved via Markov’s inequality (basic inequalities), i.e.,
is essentially tight (where we receive observations and is the sample mean). The issue is that outliers can have devastating effects on the sample mean, and heavy-tailed distributions can have many extreme observations. See this discussion by Lugosi and Mendelson for more details, or Sub-Gaussian mean estimators by Devroye et al.
Ideally we want estimators with sub-Gaussian like behavior, i.e.,
This is an exponential improvement in the dependence on . These are called sub-Gaussian estimators.
There are several approaches to heavy-tailed mean estimation in scalar settings: