Consider a two-player, zero sum game. Player 1 (row player, say) plays a stategy , and player 2 (column) players strategy . A nash equilibrium is a pair of strategies such that, when player 2 plays , player 1 has no incentive to deviate from , and vice versa. Thus, conditional on the other player not changing strategies, each player will not change strategies.

Suppose player 1 is trying to minimize the value of a loss , and player 2 is trying to maximize the loss. Player 1 attempts to find the strategy:

since this is the best “worst case” scenario (worst case since it assumes that column can make the first move). This is the “minimax” strategy. Similarly, player 2 attempts to find the “maximin” strategy

In general, the value of these strategies is not equal, since

Note that and here can be mixed (randomized) strategies, in which case we interpret as the expected loss.